Free UK Delivery on all orders over £100*

Discount Codes

If you have a discount CODE please use it at the checkout when prompted.

Discount Codes can vary on delivery methods. So if you have a FREE delivery on a standard item then this may not qualify for our larger items or bedroom furniture. The checkout will establish the size and weight of the item based on the delivery to determine if the code would qualify.

Home Luxe do have many offers running concurrently and if any discounts are to be applied for certain amounts spent will automatically be discounted. Discounts will only be applied to cart total value including VAT. discounts are not applied to delivery charges if applicable on your purchase.

If you are unsure of when to use the discount code or any queries you can email us on and we will be happy to help. Or you can contact our team on LIVE chat for a much faster response.

Home Luxe